X-Wing Fighter Collectible Helmet
Sure, you might be the best bush pilot in the Outer Rim Territories. And maybe a womp rat really isn't much bigger than two meters, so turn off your targeting computer if you must. That kind of stuff is between you and the Force. Listen, kid: we've been doing this for a while, and we've seen every wacky pre-flight ritual in the book. But we're going to have to insist that you put on your helmet, or we're not letting you get off the ground. And while Yavin 4 is a fine place for a weekend getaway, it's gonna be a short trip if you don't get up there and help take out that battlestation. Here, we'll make you a deal. You want this extra fancy one, molded from durable nylon and featuring hand-painted details? It's all yours. Just toss us a few credits and we'll call it even. Now get to the flight deck, pronto!