Adult Nordic Viking Costume
Draugr attacks and troll raids might not be common occurrences in modern society, but it's never a bad idea to have a game plan for any bad situation in life. Our plan? Well, it includes channeling our inner Norseman warrior, wielding a mighty battle axe and dressing like a Viking. Of course, it also involves growing a really outstanding beard, but we let's just take thing one step at a time. If you want to be prepared for the eventual troll war that's coming, then you'd better take your first step with this exclusive Viking costume.This Adult Nordic Viking Costume brings a barbaric style that could scare the pants off of any draugr warrior (do draugr warriors even wear pants) that comes your way! The costume comes with a faux leather breastplate, along with matching faux suede pants. Faux fur accents (no animals were harmed making this costume) along the shoulder and boot covers add for an authentic Viking touch that might even make you feel like a raiding a village or two. A matching faux fur arm gauntlet finishes the look.Once you have this entire ensemble on, you may feel the intense urge to grow a manly beard so you can head out to a life of troll-slaying. Our only further advice is to make sure you equip yourself with one of our mighty Viking weapons and shields, since you can never be too prepared when facing off against those deadly trolls!