Adult Ringmaster Costume
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES: PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR... UM...A really great costume that will allow you to do a lot of enthusiastic shouting, and many other exciting things! Because the way we see it, the ringmaster is kind of a jack of all trades. When you're juggling clown cars and acrobats and a bunch of ferocious lions balanced precariously on stools, you've got to be a master of all kinds of unusual skills. And more than that, you've got to be able to command both the attention of your audience and the obedience of any kind of performer, whether they're a human cannonball or an ornery trick pony. After all, the show must go on! So we designed and made this uniform package to help keep things moving. We know how hard it can be to play gracious host to the crowd while serving as air traffic controller to the various acts leaping or soaring from one side of the big top to the other! And we know that there's nothing like a bright red tailcoat and a top hat to make you feel up to the task.We're sure that you'll enjoy making sweeping arm gestures in the jacket, and barking the elaborate stage names of all the performers at the top of your lungs from beneath the hat. And those with front-row seats will appreciate some of the finer details, like the gold vest front, red bow tie, and polished-looking boot tops. Along with a white shirt, gloves, and a pair of jodhpurs or slacks, it'll have you ready for the spotlight!