Adult Two-Face Costume
When you have two personalities living inside your head, you're sort of obligated to dress in a two tone suit. It's kind of like when you go to Polynesi;, you just have to wear a Hawaiian style shirt and drink Mai Tais and you just have to watch the sunset at the beach. Old Two-Face here has always taken this fashion rule to heart, so he's kind of the poster child for dueling personality fashion sense. So, if you're going to go as Two-Face this Halloween, you can't do much better than this costume, because it meets all the style expectations wonderfully.With a costume top, pants, mask, and of course, the signature two sided coin, this ensemble comes with everything you need to get started in a Gotham City crime syndicate. The top is styled to look like a half white, half black pinstriped suit over an attached black shirt and tie. The pants have the same theme. Complete the character effect with the molded mask that covers the left side of the face, it fits with an elastic band, and the style can be enhanced with makeup and a wig like we have it pictured (makeup and wig sold separately). Grab the coin accessory and the only thing you'll have to do is come up with some things to flip a coin over!