Anita Waxin Costume
What, you don’t remember the most popular character from the hit TV show “Inlet Watch”? Of course you do! Everyone knows Anita Waxin, who was daring, beautiful, and uh… natural. Very, very natural. Anita didn’t have a care in the world, and really just let it all hang out. And even though she was a really good lifeguard, for some strange reason a surprisingly high number of rescuees refused help from her, and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Forget it. We can’t imagine why. Anyway, the character was a huge hit, and so will you be at the Halloween party when you wear this awesome Anita Waxin Costume!It’s the ultimate Halloween gag costume, the kind that’s guaranteed to make everyone at the party take notice, and probably laugh their heads off, too. Because who doesn’t chuckle at people who make, shall we say, cosmetic blunders? Anita Waxin is definitely one of those people. Either she can’t afford to visit a Brazilian wax shop (or hasn’t heard of such places), or is simply a lot like your eccentric old Aunt Sally. In other words, she never got the memo on proper hygiene and grooming. Whatever the case may be, this hilarious and slightly adult costume will make you the life of the party… at Anita’s expense, of course.And best of all, it’s a deceptively simple suit to get into. It consists of just one piece: the bodysuit, which has every important (and gross) part of Anita rolled into one. You get the bathing suit, prosthetic breasts, tanned thighs, and, of course, the not-so-short-and-curlies in the crotch area. Just don’t try giving anybody mouth-to-mouth!