Black Mullet Men's Wig
Hairdly a ProblemThere are many great aspects of the classic party in the back hairstyle of the eighties. You have the awesome neck protection built right in, the way the wind catches it and makes you feel beautiful, and the fact that you still fit right in with the formal crowd since it 's all business up front! But all those great features are outmatched by the fact that it makes you smarter.You don 't just look smart and cool, you actually become more intelligent. You will be more prone to stopping and considering things before you do them, which means that your outcomes will generally be better. When you have a mullet, you will tend to ruminate on all the situations of your day-to-day life. You will cogitate it. You will ponder it. You will mullet over.Wiggin ' OutIf you think that you need to access that extra processing power that you get by warming the back of your neck slightly, then this Black Mullet Wig is for you. It comes with a naturally eighties wavy luster to it, but you can curl, straighten, or style it however you want. Make this mullet work for you by adding it to any chic and elegant outfit that you want!