Deluxe Reno 911 Lt. Dangle Costume
When it comes to Reno, we all know that you do not need to be…competent to work in the police department. All you have to do is look at Lt. Jim Dangle. You’ll be able to see with his short shorts, and that 70s motorcycle cop stache’ to know it. Oh, and the way “someone” always messes with his bike.There are a few shows that make us laugh deep from our belly. That loud unashamed laugh that we used to laugh when we were kids. And Reno 911 is one of them. The characters are all so weird! And that is sooooooo great. We don’t know how many times we’ve had a crummy day, only to come home and turn on the TV, and there is Trudy with the mystery of who her baby daddy is. It is the kind of show that makes you want to be a little bit like the crazy characters.That’s why we are offering this Deluxe Reno 911 Lt. Dangle Costume. (Well, that and we wanted to host a Reno 911 party, and figured “let’s just order the costumes for the website too!”) You can slip on these short shorts, and become Jim Dangle. The costumes comes equipped with fingerless gloves, a billy club, cellphone (purely for making it LOOK like you are busy, it does not actually work), a flashlight, and of course the most important item…handcuffs. For the…suspects, yeah, for the suspects. You never know when you'll need handcuffs after all!