Dollar Sign Necklace
Have you recently acquired a great deal of wealth and desire to project a symbol of that new station in life? Perhaps you haven’t yet become the top dog of a franchise or king of an elder profession but have high aspirations to stake that claim. After all, we’ve grown up hearing that you should dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Image is everything! Meditate, emulate, facilitate, as they say. So, if we can believe those statements to be true, you’ve no doubt began the process. Or, perhaps, you need the first step to begin that transformation. We can help.There are a few staple items that are Must-Haves on the list of a man of the masses who can provide. Animal print is up there. We recommend leopard or zebra. Fur or leather is next, ideally in colors that defy our natural sensibilities. Again, we recommend glowing purple or a virtually radioactive green. But, the most crucial of all are the accessories. And it always begins with what you project most prominently on your chest. For that, there can only be this sparkling silver Dollar Sign Necklace on a gold chain. Be the king… the king of the dolla dolla bills!