Frenzy Adult Mask - Immortal Masks
A Big BiteSelf-control can be a tough thing. When you are holding a tasty treat in your hands, sometimes you can't wait to sink in your teeth. Some argue, "Take it slow! Savor your snack!" Small little nibbles may seem like the way to go so you can keep your delicious delectable around for as long as possible. But there is just something so satisfying about chomping down! So, you open wide, let your fangs glisten... and then give your second and third row of teeth a couple of quick snaps.Wait. You don't have multiple rows of vicious chompers? Hmm. Are you sure? Because, honestly, while it might be a little bit scary to look at, there's something pretty useful about having more teeth than you can count. It really helps you get the most out of dinner time!Design & Details Before you commit to any drastic changes to your dentistry, perhaps you should try out this Latex Frenzy Immortal Mask. This is full-head mask is made of latex and painted to create a pretty monstrous look! Rich red gums and demonic flesh combine with rows and rows of teeth to bring this frenzied foe to life. All right, sure, it is all entirely imaginary, but when you look at your friends and family through the invisible eye holes and see their horrified expressions, you'll know just how sharp you look!