General George Washington Costume for Men
Don't Take Any Wooden TeethGeorge Washington is famous for telling the truth. Funny, since there are many false myths about this founding father. First off, let's get this straight. President Washington did not have dentures made of wooden teeth. If you think about this, we should have known. Of course, he didn't use wooden teeth. He was a well-dressed, high ranking member of society even before he was president. Can you imagine how uncomfortable wooden teeth would be? No matter how well-varnished those dentures were, they'd get splintery within weeks! We're sure George Washington wouldn't mind if that rumor ended once and for all. The first president of the United States also didn't chop down a cherry tree or ask Betsy Ross to design the first American flag. But to be honest, those myths are a lot less disgusting than the wooden denture story, so we'll let those slide for now. Design & DetailsThis bright blue and yellow General George Washington uniform is Made By Us, which means it was designed by our in-house creative team. The costume includes a blue jacket with an attached cream-colored vest with gold trim and buttons. It's completed with a simple cravat slips around your neck, a tricorn hat, and boot covers that slip over your shoes and attach with an elastic band. Add on a George Washington wig and light-colored pants to bring this historic forefather to life!Crossing the DelewareAre you ready to become the legendary first president of the United States? This historical costume is a great look for historical events at schools and festivals, Fourth of July parades, and even Halloween parties! Since it's Made By Us, the high-quality costume will be a look that you can break out again and again. Just remember to set the record about your dentures straight, once and for all!