Host Adult Mask - Immortal Masks
Say "Aahh!"There are a lot of things out there that can really creep people out. For many, though, it is all about going to the dentist. Maybe it is the drilling that has people wigged out. Perhaps it is the idea that someone you don't really know that well is going to be sticking their fingers into your mouth. Let's be honest. That feels just a little bit weird! Of course, you might just be worried that they'll discover your secret.No, not your addiction to those caramel sweets. Nope, not the fact that you only sometimes floss. We're talking about the fact that you've got a weirdo monster living deep in your gullet, using you as a comfy host for its horrifying incubation! Of course, we don't judge. Everyone has their thing!Design & Details Whether you're opening wide for snacks, a quick exam, or to belt out a high-pitched scream, we imagine that this Host Mask from Immortal Masks will be just the thing! This full-head latex mask is painted to create the look of a scary creature dwelling deep in your throat. The mold is broken thanks to far too many teeth many of them looking pretty darn sharp and embedded eye sockets to provide a bit of visibility. Not recommended for dentist visits!