Jungle Kombatter Rifle - Army Costume Accessory
There's nothing better than a toy gun that goes "rat-a-tat-tat-tat" when you pull the trigger! While we can all do "beatbox" machine gun effects with our mouths, fighting a make-believe battle just isn't the same without the sound of gunfire. It just lends a certain authenticity (and fun!) to fictional combat. That's why you need the Jungle Kombatter Rifle by your side when you lock and load this Halloween!Made of wood with camouflage coloring and a black barrel, this weapon is the ideal accessory for your soldier or hunter getup. It also includes a strap that makes it easy to carry, and sling over your shoulder for those rare times when you're not busy engaging enemies. It also has an orange-tipped muzzle and handle so everyone knows which side you're on. And it's a load of fun pulling the trigger and getting that satisfying clicking sound we all know and love. With the Jungle Kombatter Rifle at your side, you're sure to have a blast storming the jungle!