King of Hearts Costume for Men
It Suits YouKing of Hearts is a fancy title, isn't it? He rules over all of the other cards, except for that tricky Ace (no one can trump the tricky Aces running wild out there). He's the only one standing between the common folk and that completely out-of-control wife of his, the Queen of Hearts. He also gets to wear one really rad outfit! Actually, have you ever thought about taking on the role?Just think about it. You could be the one to command the Playing Card soldiers. You could use your charm and wit to keep the queen from losing her cool. You could pardon Alice, just in case she gets into any trouble in Wonderland. You could even play a relaxing game of croquet using a flamingo as a mallet, but we don't recommend it since flamingos are not fans of that way of the playing the game. But, most importantly of all, you would get to wear this King of Hearts Costume!Design & DetailsSo, our costume designers set out to craft an outfit that combines the regal nature of a king with the carefree nature of a playing card. This King of Hearts costume is what they came up with. The first thing you'll notice about this costume is the oversized, flowing robe. With brilliant red, gold piping, and various playing card symbols throughout, it's definitely an eye-catching garment. The crown is the same color with black heart shapes printed on it. Just place it on your head and you'll be ready to rule!Have a HeartIf you think the role of king suits you, then maybe it's about time that you made it official! This King of Hearts costume helps you take the crown with a brilliant and simple outfit that any aspiring Wonderland regent would be proud to don!