Men's Back to the Future II Griff Costume
Get a GriffTaking down Marty is a pretty cool pastime, but what most people don 't know is that Griff is actually a really nice guy. He has a tough lot since he 's a bully and kind of a loser, but that doesn 't mean that he has nothing to offer! On the contrary, if you cared to ask him about his other pastimes, you would learn that he is also a fantastic dancer.When he started taking ballet, it was just to improve his balance and coordination to improve his performance on the football field. After a while, twirling around and leaping dramatically became something that he wanted to do more and more. He worked hard at it too! He eventually went to the state level competitions, but he never showed up for his recital! That mean kid, Marty McFly had gotten him imprisoned. Life 's so not fair sometimes.Two CoolIf you thought Griff 's costume from Back to the Future was cool, then you will love this Back to the Future II Griff Costume! From the foam helmet to the awesomely pointed-looking shoes, this costume screams that the future is punk. Having one foam, shiny kneepad won 't help you in the slightest if you fall from your hoverboard, but it will help you look awesome all day every day! We can provide the costume, but that characteristic grimace is all up to you!Back to the in StyleIf you are looking for the perfect costume to show everyone how cool you are, then this is the right place for you! This Griff costume is the coolest thing since hoverboards were invented!