Mens Caveman Feet
TIME TO SEE THOSE TOESIf you're like most, when you get home after a long day (at the office, field, or quarry), the first thing you do is rip those danged shoes off and sigh in the blissful anguish of releasing your feet into the world.  But, what's next after recovering!? You want to stay barefoot but what about the chill of linoleum or the flat stone of your earthen home?  What about making a mark on your social circles?  What about that nasty question of whether you can even see your toes?FUN DETAILSWell, we've got the perfect solution to all those uncertainties with these wondrous Men's Cavemen Feet!  These flesh-colored slippers provide the best of both worlds of comfort and perfectly defined toenails.  Perhaps you won't be wiggling them so much as admiring!BEDROCK BEAUTIESIt's tough enough wandering around town with all the residents of your community giving you the stink eye because of your bared feet.  But, who can tolerate the types of shoes that you're so often expected to adhere to?  Talk about lack of comfort!  Talk about lack of human dignity!  Take one look at these shining tootsies and you'll swear off "real shoes" until the next era.