Mens Glow Skeleton Morphsuit Costume
Whoa. When we told you this Halloween is your time to shine, we didn’t think you’d take us so literally. We kind of meant that we are glad to see you feeling more confident and that Halloween could be a time for you to just kick back and have a ton of fun, you know? But...OK, cool. This works, too!We are actually pretty impressed by your take on our words of wisdom. We like this look on you! We know you’ve had a rough couple of months, but we guessed that things would start looking brighter for you, and indeed they have! Quite brilliantly, in fact. This Men’s Glow Skeleton Morphsuit is certainly an eye-catching way to make a major entrance at a party, especially one that starts after nightfall! We applaud your bold decision to take our advice one step further; we definitely think this glow-in-the-dark outfit will be more fun than a boring ole’ regular skeleton ensemble, and 100% more awesome than skipping Halloween altogether (seriously, WHO does that?)We’re actually wondering if we shouldn’t get one ourselves--you seem really happy to be out on the prowl in this black jumpsuit. The green glow is really lighting up the night and every single person wants to watch the awesome glow-in-the-dark skeleton drink straight through his suit! We make no bones about it, this suit is simply illuminating all of the awesome things about you that needed to come into the limelight.