Men's Moses Costume
If we were the pharaoh in the Book of Exodus, we'd have been a lot less stubborn after Moses showed us what he could do. We mean, as soon as the prophet turned a staff into a snake, that's when we'd have said THAT'S IT! WE'VE SEEN ENOUGH! and probably gone so far as to offer Moses and the Israelites a ride to the promised land ourselves. Moses might have said, But I've got all these plagues lined up...boils...frogs...and you're going to hate the last one, And we'd have said You just turned a stick into a bloody boa constrictor, did you really not think that would be enough? GET OUT OF HERE! Well, that's just how stubborn the Pharaoh was! Still, Moses taught us a lot about perseverance and we appreciate him sticking to his guns. How many men have the tenacity to look for a place for forty years without once stopping to ask for directions? (Paradoxically, that joke might just be older than Moses himself.)When you wear this robe, belt, and tunic, you'll look just like the Biblical figure for your next play based on the iconic story. And if you don't want to grow your beard out for five years, take the easy way out and get a beard wig here while you're at it!