Moto Jacket Skeleton Costume for Men
Bad to the BoneSo, you're headed to that late October Halloween party. You want to make an impression. You've been looked at as a good guy for too long, a guy someone could get called up if their VHS player was broken or they needed someone to bring them soup. While you're happy to wedge a peanut butter sandwich out of vintage movie viewing equipment or deliver up some dumpling soup, sometimes you just need to transform into the rebel you know is deep, deep within your soul. You've got a couple of rebel options. One: dress like a classic motorcycle greaser. The leader of the pack. A guy with slicked-back hair, a leather jacket, and a chip on his shoulder. Here's the thing, a nice guy like you could easily fall back into his nice guy ways. One swooning moment with a Betty Sue could strip you of your wayward ways and you could suddenly find yourself rolling down the straight and narrow on a bicycle built for two! No, someone as wholesome as yourself needs to take the rebellious motorcycle look to a whole new level. Take it to the point of no return, take it beyond the pale. Design & DetailsWhen you show up to the party in this moto skeleton ensemble, you'll find yourself feeling more dangerous than you've ever felt before. When you're wearing this skeleton print faux leather jacket you'll feel natural slipping one of those candy cigs into your mouth as you glower across the room at all of those people having fun. Leaning up against the back wall with your arms crossed never looked so good! You can be a good guy again tomorrow morning. Tonight you've got a bone to pick with the world! Motorcycle Skeleton CostumeWhen you become an undead rider, you're probably going to get some looks. Sure, you'll look like an outlaw but that doesn't mean you can just go endangering people! Always obey the law, even when you look like a skeleton person. That's just being responsible, and we're all for that.