Sexy Jester Men's Costume
Funny LookingAs you prance around the court of the king, you take note of each courtier's position in relation to one another. Being a secret spy in the king's service, you never expected that you would be in such a visible position, but that hasn't stopped you from doing a great job! Indeed, you have found that you love being a jester almost as much as you love being a spy!Tossing five balls into the air in quick succession, the watching nobles and petitioners gasp in unison as they each light up in sequence. You smack and kick them with all four of your limbs in a fancy jig that makes the court laugh. You have no real complaints about the job, except that the costume is foppish and ridiculous. Next week, they will see how a real professional jester should dress!Clowning AroundWearing the proper gear for any job is very important, even if you are the court jester. This Men's Sexy Jesture Costume isn't exactly proper, but that needn't stop you from having a great time in it! The black and red style is flattering and cool looking, while the zippered, hooded top includes the built-in jester's hat that would make even the most jaded hatmaker cry! You will love showing off your hard-earned skills when you wear this costume to the next court!Courtships Are ImportantIf you are looking for the perfect way to show off your skills at clowning around, then this jester costume is for you! You will love the details of the outfit, but what it leaves out it just as important as what it includes!