Stone Reaper Costume for Men
The Graveyard Comes AliveWeird stories are told about the cemetery at the end of the lane. It's said that the spirit of the place is angry. It wants more souls than just the few that are lowered into their graves at the end of their days. It craves fresh victims! Anyone who cuts through its misty grounds, especially after nightfall when the moon is full, is in for the shock of a (soon to be over) lifetime once the stone guardian senses their presence and starts hunting. Product DetailsScare your friends straight in this Men's Stone Reaper Costume! The outfit includes an ankle-length robe patterned with a gray stone design. Same-fabric streamers sewn to the bottom of each sleeve give it a ghostly effect, as does the jagged hemline. The cowl collar complements the hood, and the same-fabric belt can be tied around your waist. The vinyl stone-colored mask is molded to resemble a spooky skull. Mesh-covered eye holes allow you to (sort of) see where you're going. A Relentless Hunter This Reaper would be force to be reckoned with any other day of the year. Surprisingly, Halloween is its night off! It might look like it's ready to snatch a few souls, but it's more interested in snatching some appetizers and some conversation with its friends at a celebration. When tomorrow comes, it'll go back to business as usual, but until then, it's ready to show off how good it is at carving jack o' lanterns and winning party games.