Tarzan Adult Costume - Tarzan & Jane Costumes, Halloween Costumes
Alright, guys, finally a chance to show off those muscles! You worked out all Spring to get ready for beach season, kept it up through the summer while spending as much time as possible with your shirt off, but now the weather is getting colder and it's starting to look weird when you show up to an event and you "forgot" your shirt, "again." People are getting creeped out, and with good reason, because that's just weird. But you still want someone to admire your burly biceps and powerful pecks. Suns out, guns out? Yeah right! More like... sun's... hidden, guns... out? Okay we didn't think that one through but you get what we're saying. It's time to show off those guns! "But how?" you're thinking, "you just said it was getting weird how I conveniently spill something on my shirt and have to take it off in front of people." Yes! That is still super weird. Stop doing that. Besides, you're ruining all your shirts. There's another way!How? Well turn yourself into the king of the jungle, dude! Tarzan! Swinging from trees, play-fighting with jaguars, eating nothing but bananas, Tarzan was basically the original crossfit. Constantly climbing up and down trees really works your core, bro. And after all of your crossfit, you can be the king of the jungle too. No vine-swinging or panther-wrestling required. Let those muscles ripple with anticipation and strap on this leopard printed tunic and show everyone what happens when you let the Tarzan out of the jungle!