Twelfth Doctor Mens Costume Jacket
When you have the difficult job of the last Time Lord in existence, you had best be prepared to deal with no end of obscure adventures. You'll need to zip through time and space, appearing just where you need to be at just the right time. And, you know that you must look the part! The fortunate thing about being The Doctor is that your exact physical style is relatively free-floating. In fact, trying to identify exactly what The Doctor is going to look like might be a whole adventure all on its own!But, we at the office fortunately have a few contacts and have had a number of encounters with that mysterious blue Police Box of a space ship. In order to help maintain the salvation and peace of the galaxy, we keep in stock a variety of tools that The Doctor might have need of from time to time and that even includes some of the choice wardrobe just in case there is a mysterious fire inside the TARDIS, or something.So, when the Twelfth incarnation of The Doctor says that the galaxy is in need of the perfect jacket, you know that we are fully prepared, too! And, you can be also with this Twelfth Doctor Men's Jacket. This comfortable and elegant polyester jacket is luxuriously black and reveals just enough of an accented red to keep things interesting. Most crucial, of course, are the ways that the jacket emulates the TARDIS from where it came! We're talking about secret pockets, all functional and one of them containing the most useful device: the sonic screwdriver. Save the galaxy yet again with this jacket and know that we have all the other accessories you might need, too, just in case!