Viking Helmet
Old Norse sagas and poetry show us what Viking life was like, and if they are to be believed, Ragnar Lodbrok was as Viking as it gets. He married a shieldmaiden, a noblewoman, and a Norse queen. He pillaged, marauded, and conquered many lands, not least of which including parts of France and England. He even died in a pit of snakes and was avenged by an army of heathens. Phew. What a resume!No one can verify Ragnar's historical existence, but even if he's just the product of literary imagination, who really minds pretending? Both the character and the historical figure would have roamed the hills of Scandinavia in a helmet just like this one. So if you've got your sights set on becoming a legendary Viking yourself, this is the helmet to get to complete your costume ensemble. Featuring faux fur trimming, intimidating horns, and even some padding to keep your noggin comfortable, this piece of armor would definitely do Ragnar himself justice, so we're sure it will be the perfect accessory to help you write your own saga!