Vikings Bjorn Ironside Costume for Men
HEIR TO THE NORTHRuling an entire realm of Vikings is... complicated. Even when you have a Seer who is telling you what is going to end up happening, well, they tend to just tell you cryptic things about when you're going to die, so it isn't exactly always helpful. That is why, sometimes, it is better to be the firstborn of the ruler, instead. It gives you plenty of time to watch your father wield his axe and all that authority. Gives you something to emulate.And, best yet, it gives you a clear idea of what you need to avoid when it is your turn to take leadership over the clan! From there, you can go around and finish off the things left incomplete. You can address all those old betrayals and bring vengeance down on those who brought about the end to your father's legacy. From there? Well, we recommend that you maybe move forward with a slightly lesser obsession with just letting your fate happen. Make your own fate! DESIGN & DETAILSWell, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Start off with your earlier life with this officially licensed Bjorn Ironside Costume from Vikings. This exclusive look was crafted by our own Made by Us designers in partnership with History Channel. It comes with a long-sleeved that has quilted padding on the lower portion of the sleeves. The vest has faux leather, metal studs, and appliqued braided trim that gives it an authentic armored look. You also get a pair of quality pants and a faux leather belt but, let's face it, you're here for that intense faux armor style. And that's why we made it!THE ONGOING DESTINYRagnar might give himself fully to the fate decreed by the Seer, but Bjorn isn't afraid to stir things up. Explore all the strange lands you desire and know that you're going to inspire your own kind of tales when you get this costume and wield your axe as Bjorn Ironside!