Sadistic Scarecrow Costume for Adults
Oh No ScarecrowUm,.we don't think we're in Kansas anymore,Help hide the kiddos (and that little dog, too!) because this is one costume that will suck the bright technicolor feeling right out of Halloween. This Adult Sadistic Scarecrow Costume isn't your average cornfield prop, and we would be willing to be that it never danced along any road paved with yellow bricks, either. Nope, the only dance this guy is likely doing is a dance with the devil, because this costume is straight out of your nightmares, or a slasher movie marathon. It's perfect if you're part of a haunted house or just want to create your own horrors! For instance, can't you just picture yourself driving down a dark, rural, country lane, when out in front of your headlights jumps this maniacal monstrosity? We bet you'll be driving with your high beams on for weeks afterward, just thinking about it.Product DetailsSo, kick your brain into high gear and run like a cow in the cornfield at the first sighting of this horrific stitch-like mask with its movable jaw. Even coming across this deranged scarecrow during the day, when you can plainly see its plaid pullover shirt, burlap collar, and cone hat is enough to have you rethinking your perfectly-worn path home.Scary Scarecrow CostumeDid that cornfield just move? We swear we just saw a Scarecrow hanging out above those golden tassels... but was that just our imagination? We hear a rustling... our steps are a little faster now. We've got to get home! We would literally go anywhere right now to escape another sighting of this gruesome garden sentry... we want to get back to Kansas to see all our friends and our little dog, and OH NO there he is! It's the sadistic Scarecrow! And he's only asking for one thing... a brain.