Beetlejuice Dog Squeaker Toy
A Portal to the World of the LivingFinally! It's taken years, and your undead patience has sorely tried, but at last you have fought and clawed your way back to the human world! Your plan didn't even require marrying a teenager in a seriously shady ceremony. No, this plan was a lot more complex and involved some close calls with those obnoxious sandworms and also required you to shrink to a fraction of your nomal size, but here you finally are, back in the Maitlands' and Deetzes' front hall. You're poised to tiptoe out the front door and cause some serious mayhem when - what's that? Did you hear a growl? Two beady eyes glimmer at you from the darkness. Someone else is on the prowl! It may be a super-cute Labradoodle rather than a hellhound, but its teeth still mean business! Product DetailsLet your dog share your love of the classic movie starring Michael Keaton with this officially licensed Beetlejuice Squeaker Dog Toy! The fiberfill toy looks just like a cuter version of the infamous poltergeist, down to the striped suit and crazy hair. A squeaker inside the filling will give your dog hours of fun!