Caterpillar Costume for Dogs
A PUPPER COCOONIf you have a dog, there's a great chance that you have observed the delicate and graceful dance that is the pup burrowing itself into your blankets and rolling around until they've managed to bundle themselves up in a pristine puppy cocoon. Or, more likely, you've observed them snort and flail as they dive into the blankets to get some delightful warmth and end up panting so much that they have to crawl out of their burrowed state only a few seconds later and then look at you grumpy like you've somehow failed them.PRODUCT DETAILSGive your pup a reason to love the blanket cocoon by turning them into a cater-pupper-pillar with this Caterpillar Dog Costume. This dog coat is a comfy base with decorated hood and back that will give your pet all the features of a slowly creeping critter. The rows of green, black, and yellow cloth and the antennae on the hood will have you squealing with glee at the first time you really loved a bug! WAIT FOR THE NEXT TRANSFORMATIONOnce you gear your pet up with this Caterpillar Costume, you'll have so much fun that you almost won't want your adorable canine to cocoon up and transform into a puppyfly. Of course, only almost. So you might want a dog butterfly costume, too!