Pet Clown Costume
Not Scary At All Clowns have gotten a fairly bad rap in the past few years. Thanks to recent media portrayals (we're looking at you, Mr. King), many people of all ages would rather chew their own arms off than meet one of those paint-faced, balloon-offering party personalities on the street - or, heaven forbid, in a storm drain. It's too bad, because most clowns are gentle souls, more interested in spreading laughter and merriment than in stealing children's souls and bringing about the apocalypse. It's time for a clown PR campaign of sorts, and who better to spearhead it than your favorite jokester and cuddle buddy? Your pet could bring a smile to even the sourest faceProduct Details Your pet will be an automatic party starter in his Clown Costume for Pets! The jester-style collar is made of multicolored triangles of sheer fabric, all topped with spangled pom-poms. It's stretchy and easy to put on, and goes perfectly with the matching white hat that features multicolored dog shapes and sports a tiny pom-pom on top. The hat has an elastic band that slips under the chin, so that it will stay in place even through your pet's unicycle act. He's a NaturalYour pet could bring a smile to even the sourest face, thanks to his sweet personality. No clown college for this one - he's had a gift for slapstick humor from the first time he tried to chase after his favorite ball and ended up skidding into the laundry basket. Give him a tiny car and an air horn and watch the magic happen!