Pet Voodoo Doll Costume
Straight to the Heart You know that moment when your pooch gives you their sad eyes? Jeez! It's practically cheating. They know that it gets to us every time. All they have to do is lower their head, widen their eyes, and we're just putty in their paws. Of course, some of us eventually can resist this little trick. Try as they might, there's no way they're getting more treats this time! Unless, of course, they've got some other kind of puppy power that they've been waiting on. ... Naw. That couldn't be true! Product DetailsTurns out that your pooch has had a few plans for the day their puppy eyes stop charming you. And it is all thanks to this Voodoo Doll Pet Costume. All they need to do is step into this costume and fasten it in the back and they've got the mojo to speak right to your heart! Pull up the hood and they're ready to have you dancing at their beck and call! Woof for Snack TimeWe suppose you're wondering why you'd willingly buy a costume that's just going to help your furry friend charm you into giving up all the treats. Well, that's smart thinking. But just imagine how cute they're going to look! Isn't the risk totally worth the chance to treat yourself!?