Pirate Black Beard & Mustache
Ahoy, matey! Your high seas adventure begins as soon as you’ve attached this Pirate Mustache and Beard Accessory. You’re not a cutthroat pirate unless you’ve got some serious facial hair. It’s perfect for Black Beard, Captain Jack Sparrow or Johnny Depp on any old day of the week, and for seeking booty of all kinds. If you can’t grow your own beard, can’t grow it fast enough, can’t grow it black enough, or read that using Rogaine on your face itches and burns, this Pirate Mustache and Beard Accessory can make up for your hair follicles’ slack with minimal effort and no burning. (As long as you don’t affix the beard with superglue. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.)For a rough-and-tumble sea dog, this Pirate Mustache and Beard Accessory sure is finely-manicured. But what else were you going to do in the long hours waiting around with nothing to do on a pirate ship besides braid your friends’ beards and talk about your crushes?