Royal Knight Plus Size Men's Costume 2X
The Royal Horn BeckonsBe-doop be-doop be-dahhhhhh! Hear that? It's the sound of the royal horn, announcing the arrival of a truly tremendous champion of the realm. Of course, everyone can hear it far and wide, so we better not let folks down. We'd suggest becoming that champion yourself, because why not? You might have never thought about becoming a knight that everyone looks up to, but we've got just the ticket to make it a reality. This Men's Royal Knight Plus Size Costume!Design and DetailsBecome a royal champion when you get yourself all suited up in this signature costume. It comes with a tunic, armor vest, a helmet, cape, along with elbow pads, gauntlets, and leg guards, too! The tunic has a metallic chain-mail-like finish, and the foam armor vest fits on top, securing with hook and loop fasteners to look legit. The helmet, elbow pads, gauntlets, and leg guards all continue the "metal" armor appearance, and you can just wear a regular pair of pants to complete the look. The sword and shield we have it pictured with are sold separately, but are highly recommended to enhance the costume effect!Knight Aspirations can come trueYou might have always aspired to be a knight, but always thought of acquiring a sack of gold to pay to armorer would stand in your way. Well, that's no longer a problem! We made and designed this costume ourselves, and we made sure it costs a whole lot less than the sack of gold required by the castle armorer. A HalloweenCostumes.com exclusive, we are happy to outfit you with everything else you need to serve the King, too. Check out our entire selection of costumes and accessories to get everything you need for Knightdom!