Hades Halloween Costume for Men
He's Actually Really Fun at PartiesThe other Olympian gods have reputations as being fairly fun-loving and breezy. Zeus is the lord of the air, which still gives him plenty of time to be kind of a playboy. Poseidon's realm is basically like governing a perpetual mermaid paradise (give or take a few shark attacks).But Hades? Hades has a reputation for being all doom and gloom, which simply isn't true. Yes, he enjoys goth styles - who wouldn't if they were ruling over the Underworld? But it turns out that mood lighting and the right umbral tones can turn any scene into a supernatural fling! Plus, he also has some great dance moves. Product DetailsThe Three Furies would definitely approve of this exclusive Hades Costume for Adults!The shirt features a jersey lining for comfort and layers of mesh to create an armor-plating like effect as well as a matching skirt for a shimmering style. A semi-sheer black drape with a shiny finish and jagged hemline is attached to the right shoulder. A belt with woven-in shiny silver geometric designs and stylized skulls secures around your waist. The same skull-and-geometric-print pattern decorates the tunic's hemline. A pair of silvery gauntlets finishes your look! Straight to Tartarus There's a special place in the Underworld for people who don't put enough thought into their Halloween disguises, but fortunately, you don't have to worry about that! One reason is that you rule over the Underworld, but the other reason is that your costume is incredible. Enjoy striking terror into the hearts of mortals as you masquerade as the original Grim Reaper! With your friends, though, you can afford to take a day off of from your fearsome persona.