Red Lucifero Devil Adult Claw Gloves
Interred, Not ForgottenScraping your way up out of a grave has become more of a burden in the last several hundred years. It used to be that graves were all dug in nice, soft earth in well-tended plots. Nowadays, people seem to bury bodies in crypts and mausoleums more and more, which makes possessing a body and rising from the grave every Halloween a lot harder on the old body!Well, if you let that stop you then you could hardly call yourself one of the walking dead! No, you worked for years and years to find the perfect way to haunt in today 's manic world. You couldn 't just let the age-old tradition of rising from the grave each year die out because of inconsiderate humans! No sirree, you just had to do something about it Devil in the DetailsThat 's why you wanted to create these Red Lucifero Devil Claw Gloves. Inspired by the man himself, these claws are just what any enterprising demon needs to get the job done each year. The red, scaly glove has that demonic and draconic look that will make you feel good while you haunt. The long, black, sharp-looking claws are great for digging through even the toughest cement mausoleum walls.