Adult Basketball Hoop and Ball Costume
Be a Good SportAs a P.E. teacher, you've seen and taught it all. You've done lessons in teamwork and individual strength, you've demonstrated badminton, volleyball, and kickball. You've had the kids run laps and hike through the woods. It doesn't matter how creative or clever you get, you always come back to your favorite sport basketball! A game of basketball with the kids teaches teamwork and communication, as well as endurance and precision. It's fast-paced and fun, and there's just nothing like it.This is why you'll love this Basketball Hoop and Ball Costume! It's a creative and clever way to pay homage to your all-time favorite game in the purest sense. It's easy to wear, too, so you can toss it off if, at any point on Halloween, someone challenges you to a pickup game of hoops!Product DetailsLike any good game, the strength of this look is in its simplicity. It's a pullover tunic that you can wear over your own clothes for comfort, whether at work or at a Halloween party. The front is printed to look like a real basketball hoop backboard. You'll also get an inflatable basketball, so your friends can take turns playing "HORSE" or a quick game of one-on-one, right on you!Hoop DreamsOf course, you can also keep this costume around for your basketball tournament at school. What's the point of being a teacher if you can't embarrass your students with your over-the-top enthusiasm and appearance? You're an inspiration in your love of basketball, and you'll surely pass it on to your pupils!