"You're Out" Umpire Costume
START HECKLING...NOW!If you're a baseball fan, you've heard just about every jab in the book. "Dang Blue, I've seen better eyes on a potato," and "it's a strike zone, not an end zone" are just a few examples of heckles people love to shout at games. And your job as the umpire requires you to ignore every jeer. By pretending like you can't hear the haters, you remain professional which is required since you're essential to the game. (They can't play ball if there's no ump to yell, "play ball!") But on Halloween,  sassing back smart-alecks is definitely allowed.While you're out and about in a caged mask and v-neck, feel free to say the retort you've always wanted to say while umping a game. Next time someone accuses you of being blind, boast about your perfect 20/20 vision. Now's the time to tell bossy coaches to "take a hike," because it won't result in you losing your job. Halloween is a day devoted to costumes and mischief, but Halloween can also be your day— the day umpires stand up for themselves! DESIGN & DETAILSUmps have never been more stylish, thanks to our dedicated team of costume designers. Creating an authentic sports-themed look, this costume consists of a shirt, hat, mask and belt with 2 pouches. The pouches are functional so feel free to keep your cash, keys and cards inside either one. The v-neck features athletic gray stripes on both sleeves and also accents the v-neck cut. The cap is a traditional baseball hat with an adjustable strap while the caged mask fastens around the head with an elastic band to complete the look. TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME! Link with friends dressed as baseball players to form a whole team. Play a game on Halloween if you're feeling particularly energetic. Don't be afraid to say those quippy comebacks if a player (AKA your friend) starts getting fresh!