Bantha Pet Costume
"The Sand People are easily startled, but they will soon be back, and in greater numbers"Old Ben Kenobi is right, of course. You never want to get the attention of Tusken Raiders or you'll be in for a bad time, friend. Riding on their trusty steeds, the banthas, they travel single file to hide their numbers, and then strike without warning! Well, not entirely without warning, since these banthas love to bark at intruders. It's actually a terrible way to sneak up on anyone. But bantha's are incredibly loyal, and have often been called a Tusken Raider's best friend. And they make excellent security systems. Your bantha can chase away pesky mailmen, or dangerous squirrels, or even the occasional friendly visitor. Besides, look how completely adorable your dog (err, bantha) will look trotting across the room to you, the Tusken Raider on back holding the reins as if guiding him across the vast desert sands of Tatooine. Just don't try taking on that Kenobi character. The people say that old hermit is some kind of wizard!