Star Wars Darth Vader Silk Touch Adult Comfy Throw
Darth After DarkConquering the galaxy can be tiring work, even for the mighty Sith Lord, Darth Vader. Some nights, after a long day of conquesting and dealing with those troublesome Rebels, a Sith just wants to relax. There 's nothing wrong with that. Only thing is, he doesn 't want to lose his frightening appearance. He can 't have the Stormtroopers to see him in his boxers and bathrobe. They 'd lose all respect for their commander. That 's why the Emporer commissioned this amazing Star Wars Darth Vader Adult Silk Touch Comfy Throw Blanket to be made. Now, Lord Vader can always look domineering and powerful, whether he 's force choking his subordinates at a board meeting or from the comfort of his recliner. Problem is the designers that made this for ol 'Darth made way too many. So we 're passing on the savings to you! Now you can watch your favorite Star Wars movies and shows while wearing your very own Darth Vader Throw Blanket. Look just like this menacing Sci-Fi villain from the comfort of your home. Product DetailsIt measures to be approximately 48 x71 and will cover your body from your neck down. Made with a fleece polyester, it is super soft to the touch. There are even sleeves attached to the blanket so you will be cozy and warm even while you reach for the remote or your lightsaber.