Forest Fairy Wings Accessory
Fairies have a whole different set of worries. Think of the dangers of being so small, especially in a scary forest, and think of trying to find a place to stay! Imagine that Tiny House! Oh, no, wait, we're not talking about living in quarters less than 500 square feet; we mean a truly humble abode of fewer than 500 square centimeters. Fairies know all about the best flora real estate, especially the roomy ones with hostas out front and a bird bath out back. There are so many places to live, as long as a different pollinator isn't already moved in (we don't usually have to worry about running into another fairy). Which tree would you live in? The sturdy oak is always a safe choice, but we're partial to the pine for the extra protection those pine needles provide. The choice is all yours, but you'll need some pixie dust to shrink you down to size. Otherwise you'll look a little goofy sitting in whichever tree you choose!The shrinking down comes with a few complications. Gravity feels a little more oppressive, particularly, and you'll need a new set of small clothes. Ooh, and trust us: the world at that size is too dangerous not to have the benefit of flight waiting for you on your back. So we can't recommend these Forest Fairy Wings enough, which will keep your feet off the ground, away from all the thorns and worms and dirt, while letting you really sparkle throughout the air like a fairy. These particular wings are knit mesh stretched over wire frames, held to your body by elastic shoulder straps. In these you'll worry less about the terrors on the ground and worry more about how which fun air sports you will learn in your free time. We hear air basketball is a downright blast!