Splat Washable Hair Color in Purple
The Real Deal Anyone can put on a grape costume, or wear a temporary tattoo that reps their favorite team. It takes a truly dedicated Halloween lover or a over-the-top fan to go beyond the basics and show everyone their commitment level. Or maybe it just takes someone who wants to know how they would look with bright purple hair. (Answer: Awesome!) Product DetailsGive purple power a try with this Washable Hair Color in Purple by Splat! The container of hair color comes with an easy-to-use applicator tip to help you apply the temporary hair color. Its build-in conditioner keeps your hair from drying into a stiff lump, and it washes out with regular shampoo and water. Dye-ing for a Good TimeMaking a statement is lots of fun, especially if the statement is "Purple looks great on me!" It's a low-stakes way to change your locks for the day, and is so easy to do that you might want to repeat the look again and again.