Unicorn Piñata Decoration
A Real Party Animal Unicorns are traditionally shy and solitary creatures. They distrust crowds of humans or other noisy creatures and prefer to keep to themselves, shining their magical horns beside crystal-clear streams or frolicking in flower-filled meadows. The only exception is when they hear that a party is about to happen. When they get word of a big shindig going down, they have to be in the middle of everything. Product DetailsMake any party more magical with the help of this exclusive Magical Unicorn Pinata Decoration! The unicorn-shaped cardboard pinata is covered in rows of white fringed tissue paper and decorated with rainbow streamers, a tissue flower garland, paper facial features, and gold paper hooves and horn. A tissue-covered hole in the unicorn's rump is ready to be filled with treats of your choice. Universal Fun Who can resist a cute and colorful unicorn, especially one that's filled with candy? You won't have any trouble getting guests excited to take a whack at your adorable, themed pinata. In fact, your only difficulty may be in getting them to wait until it's officially time to start the game.