Captain America Costume for Toddler Kids
Super Toddler SerumIt's time. We know, your little one might be young, but we think your little guy may just be ready to start his career as a superhero! Of course, he might be a little too young to actually undergo the Super Soldier Serum experiment just like Steve Rogers, but we have a pretty good alternative to help your child step into the role of the amazing Avenger!First, you're going to need to give him some Super Toddler Serum (which is just a glass of his favorite fruit juice). It won't give him any superpowers, but it will make him feel ready to face off against any bad guy! Then, it's time to outfit him like a real superhero. You know, like the red, white, and blue getup that Steve Rogers wears. Hey... this Toddler Captain America Costume happens to fit that role perfectly!Product DetailsThis officially licensed costume is inspired by the iconic suit worn by Captain America in the comic books! It starts with a simple jumpsuit that has muscle padding in the chest and arms to help give your child that super soldier kind of look. The suit also has printed details, including muscle shading, white and red stripes around the waist, a large star on the chest. The legs end in boot covers, so your child can wear any pair of shoes with this outfit. Captain America never charges into the fray without his helmet and this Captain America costume comes with a mask for your child to wear. The mask has a giant "A" printed on the front and it also has openings for your child's eyes. It all comes together for a classic Captain America style that your child will love wearing for costume parties and playtime.Leading the ChargeThis classic Cap costume is an easy choice for any little one who's ready to be a superhero! With authentic details and a simple design, your little one will be leading the charge against supervillains in no time!