Cloth Toddler Ninja Weapon 4-Piece Set
Only for Trained Experts Any weapon is deadly in the hands of a master. You may be asking yourself, "How can a cloth nunchuk be deadly?" And if you have to ask the question, you are clearly inexperienced in the way of the warrior. Leave the weapons to the pros. Product DetailsYour little one will look fierce and adorable when he or she totes these exclusive Cloth Ninja Weapon 4-Piece Set for Toddlers! The set of costume accessories includes a fiber-filled sword with a faux leather handle, a matching dagger with faux wrapping detail on the hilt, a curved fabric nunchuk, and a silver-tone stuffed throwing star. Now You See Her, Now You Don'tAny good ninja is an expert in the art of the sneak attack! Your toddler is no exception! One minute the house is completely silent, and the next, your pint-sized assassin is hurtling out of nowhere with their cloth sword at the ready. The student has beome the master.