Foam 16.5" Halloween Berry Wreath
Decor Made with NightshadeWe know what you're thinking. How are berries spooky, right? Oh, you weren't thinking that? Well, we were. And perhaps it's because we read to many macabre internet articles while working for a Halloween company. Or maybe we were born with an interest in all things dark. It's kind of a chicken or the egg question. But... we think berries are pretty spooky, as long as they're the right berries. Take Belladonna berries for instance. They look as appetizing as blueberries but snack on a couple of them and that might be your last snack. And while this wreath is made with simple "Halloween berries" that are actually just sparkly foam balls, we welcome you to make up a story about the horror of unbridled berry picking for all the Halloween revelers that come through your door. We really think it might be a new trend!Product DetailsThis black and orange wreath will keep your entryway cheery while also adding a touch of seasonal spook. The spiraling sparkles will catch the eye of trick-or-treaters as well as friends and family and can easily be paired with all sorts of our gorgeous decor. At just under one and a half feet, this wreath will make your porch a sure stop for the ghouls and goblins on Halloween night!