Heart Gelatin Mold
House of Tasty HorrorsHere, put your hand in this bowl of eyeballs. Now prepare yourself to immerse your fingers into a bucket of guts. Did you ever participate in that Halloween classic game where fun parents would peel grapes and boil noodles to make kids squeal with delighted disgust as they explore the slimy textures of a mad scientist's lab? It's an oldie but a goodie, sure to cause all sorts of giggles and screams. Want to recapture that atmosphere? Whether you're hosting a group of your friends in their thirties or you have ten nine-years olds coming over, you have the opportunity to take that edible awful activity one step further with this heart-shaped gelatin mold.Product DetailsWith voluptuous veins and appetizing aortas, your gelatin mold will be the heart of any Halloween buffet this year! This mold has a fourteen-ounce capacity so you can fit plenty of flavor and color into your appalling appetizer. Vein of OpportunityUse of this mold doesn't have to be sequestered to everyone's favorite spooky holiday. Get creative. Throw it together to congratulate your kid on getting an A in anatomy. Send a gelatin heart over to your special someone for Valentine's Day. Experiment with color and ingredients to your heart's content. When it comes to themes, this heart never misses a beat!