Toy Soldier Inflatable Decoration
Commanding AttentionWhen it comes to your holiday decor, you've never been one for subtlety. If you're going to create a festive display for your yard, you want to garner "oohs" and "ahhs" from everyone who sees it. And while you still have a place in your heart for small, detailed decorations, you've always wanted a dramatic, attention-grabbing centerpiece.Although he stands at attention, our Inflatable Soldier Decoration will put you at ease. It's the perfect show-stopping piece for your lawn that won't require a crane to install! Inflatable decorations are great for creating large, eye-catching displays, but we also love them because they're simple to set up and much more manageable to store than a solid statue!Design & DetailsShowcase your love for the winter holidays with our Inflatable Soldier Decoration! It comes with instructions for setup and display, and stakes and cording to keep it in place. When fully inflated, it stands about eight feet tall, and can be used outside or indoors, provided you have tall enough ceilings! This festive prop looks just like a soldier-themed nutcracker, and its red and green color scheme will go great with all your other winter decor!