Dragon Warrior Women's Costume
Heading west? We've got some news. Those summer dresses that you're fond of just aren't going to cut it anymore. You've got to get yourself a new style, a look that's suited for the harsh climate of the westerly lands where you were born. Yeah. You're going to need to get this Dragon Warrior women's costume!That's right, if you're looking to reclaim your ancestral lands, then you're probably really looking forward to finally being able to do cool things like sit on a sweet throne and hang out in a castle that has your favorite dragons carved into it. Because what could possibly be cooler than that?Which brings us back to this sweet dress costume. In black (because black is totally in this season) this costume features faux suede leather to make it look like you're layering up for winter, and it even comes with a silver cord, because who's going to take a warrior queen seriously without some extra bling?Just attach the burgundy cape, and you will be ready to lead your landing party to your new, faraway home. Make sure you bring plenty of your soldiers along with, and your dragons. You're definitely going to want to bring those fire-breathing beasties along. You do have dragons, right? We're sure you do... we think that's why they call you the Dragon Warrior, after all!