Female Goku Costume
BETTER THAN GATHERING ALL THOSE ORBSSo, you've got plans to become the best fighter in all of the galaxy. Whether from the planet Namek, here on Earth, or even other dimensions and throughout time, there's nobody that can beat the might of the Saiyan warrior with the biggest heart that can be found. Even if defeated and waiting patiently in the spirit world, Goku has what it takes to beat down the baddies even without going Super Saiyan! Now, usually, if you're looking to achieve the same over-9000 power-level and skill as the hero of Dragon Ball, you'll need to either spend loads of time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or gather up all the Dragon Balls and make a wish to surpass normal human limitations. Of course, that always just seems to call down the attention of other cosmic foes that are just bound to make your day last even longer than the Time Chamber would have! DESIGN & DETAILSThe best way we've found to match forces with the Saiyans is to match looks. That can be easily achieved thanks to our in-house designers who've practically got a timeshare in Namek. With this officially licensed Goku Costume, you can become the hero we all desperately need! This exclusive look includes a cropped jersey shirt as the base and a low-cut orange vest, fitted and sleeveless, to give you Goku's training dojo look. The matching pants have gathered fabric for a worked out look and the boot covers, belt, and wrist bands match the blue undershirt. FASTER THAN THE CHAMBER!Becoming Goku is a pretty exciting growth in your power level, but there is always going to be the next transformation! Just pick up a wild black or blonde anime wig and go from Saiyan to Super Saiyan without having to wait an entire extra episode!