Gekko Plastic Trick or Treat Bucket
Master of camouflageEver wonder what it would be like to acquire an endless amount of candy? If your friends are always jealous of how many pillowcases you score by the end of Halloween night, there's a simple way to hide it! No more having to share your candy at the end of the night or go home early from others' defeat. As the modest trick or treater that you are, it's time to get a little help hiding your treasure...Fun DetailsWith this Plastic Trick or Treat Bucket, you can be as smooth as Gekko! Magically make all your candy disappear and gather more and more! Pile it on and watch your friends feel bad for you and your luck. Only you will know the truth, and will reward yourself with all the candy in the world! Not only does this trick or treat bucket have superpowers, but it's also the perfect addition to your Gekko costume! Show off the vibrant design as the biggest PJ Masks fan. To the Gekko-mobile!Head home after a long night's work and get ready to do it all again next year! This trick or treat bucket will never get old and will be the center of attention!