12 Piece 12" Crow Sticker Set
For the BirdsHave you ever wondered what the crows are talking about when they gather over your neighborhood? Perhaps they're sharing what foods they've found over the day. Maybe they chat about the weather or what the other birds are up to. But we think those cackling cries have to be discussing something a little more dangerous. It may be talking about future tragedies arriving in your neighborhood or ghosts that might be roaming your streets. With their mysterious cackling in the trees overhead, it's no wonder that a murder of crows has worked its way into horror iconography! Add a dozen crows to your Halloween display and you'll have an instant air of mystery around your home!Product DetailsThese crow silhouettes easily apply to your windows. The crows are various poses that make the birds extra dynamic. A foot tall each, you can make a display that's sure to stir the imagination of anyone passing by. With simple clean-up, this set makes an impact on any glass surface from store displays to home decor. Windy WeatherIf you're looking to create a display but you don't have a lot of room, you've got to use what you have! Make the most of your space and put together a window display that's classic and perfectly spooky!