Blue Whale Kid's Costume
Whale Watch Wouldn't you love to see an animal that's bigger than a ten-story building? No, we're not talking about King Kong. This animal is probably swimming somewhere in the deep blue sea right now, but most of us aren't lucky enough to get a glimpse of one in our lifetime. No zoo could hold it, and they can be a little shy. But we've just gotten news that one might be swimming around the neighborhood on Halloween. Everyone, get your cameras ready! Product DetailsYou'll be a big hit in this exclusive Blue Whale Costume for Kids! The unisex, foam-backed tunic pulls on over your head and is stuffed with fiberfill to give it a whale-like shape. Its fin-shaped sleeves have slits at the ends to allow you to free your hands. A stuffed dorsal fin is attached to the mid-back. The nose and tail fins both conceal inner wire that allows the costume to keep its shape. The costume is printed all over with whale graphics. A Whale of a Tale Does your parent ever ask you to please be a little more quiet or wonder how you can eat two helpings of dinner and still have room for snacks? Well, maybe you're part blue whale. For one thing, these amazing creatures are the loudest beings on the planet, even louder than a jet plane! What can they say - they have big lungs. And because of their big size, they typically eat nine thousand pounds of krill a day. Suddenly gobbling down a whole sleeve of sandwich cookies doesn't look quite as bad!